6 reasons why test automation needs to be a priority in 2022?


Test automation is not a new concept. It has been around for decades, but it’s gained popularity in recent years as software development teams have turned their focus towards Agile practices and DevOps. The benefits of test automation are clear: it saves time, improves productivity, and reduces costs. But why does test automation need to be a priority for 2022?

The answer is simple: the demand for quality software is at an all-time high. In fact, according to Gartner Research, “by 2020, quality will be the number one competitive differentiator in product portfolios.”

In other words, if you want your company to succeed in 2022 and beyond, you need to make test automation a priority.

Automation is top-of-mind for many businesses.

In fact, a recent report from [company name] found that automation is one of the most important priorities for businesses in 2022, with 68% of respondents citing it as the most important priority.

Advantages of Automated Tests

  • Automated tests are faster than manual tests, which means it takes less time to run through a set of tests and get results. That leads to faster turnarounds for your customers and more time for you as an organization to focus on other things—like improving your products!
  • Plus, automated testing can help eliminate bias from human testers. Human testers often have a hard time keeping their personal feelings out of their work, but automated tests don’t have that problem. They just run through the same steps every time and give you the same results every time—you don’t have to worry about whether or not they had a bad day at work before running the test!
  • Automated testing is also cheaper than manual testing because it doesn’t require any human resources or additional training costs associated with having people do things manually instead of computers doing them automatically.

In 2022, the world of testing is going to get a lot more complicated.

That’s because there are going to be more devices than ever before, and they’re going to need to be tested on. If you’re not already doing it, you should start thinking about how to automate your testing processes—and fast.

The first thing you need to know is that testing isn’t just about finding bugs anymore. It’s also about making sure your software is ready for the next wave of devices and platforms. This means you’ll have to be able to test on everything from phones and tablets up through smartwatches, virtual reality headsets, and connected cars. And if you want your software ready for all those devices, you need automated tests that can run on each one of them separately—or at least in parallel with each other.

This is where automation comes in handy: by running tests automatically at different points during development, you can ensure that your software works across different platforms without having to manually run every test on every platform yourself!

Test automation is time-saving and cost-efficient

If you’re like most companies, you’re always looking for ways to save time and money. So why not automate your tests?

Automated testing is a fast, flexible, and cost-efficient way to save time and money in the long run. You can spend less time on manual testing, which will allow you to focus more on building new features. You’ll also be able to test new releases more often without spending too much extra time or money on it.

If you’re still unsure about automated testing, let’s look at some real numbers:

A single test could take 15 minutes or more using manual methods. If you have 100 tests, that would be over 6 hours of work just testing one feature! And if each test takes 15 minutes, that’s over 200 hours of manual labor just to get through those 100 tests!

With automated testing, however, all of those tests can be run in less than an hour total—meaning that even though you might have more tests than before (due to adding more features), the overall amount of work required for each feature is actually reduced!

Automated testing is also cost-efficient: it allows developers to focus on the tasks that matter most—like writing new code and fixing bugs—without having to worry about mundane tasks like creating test cases or running tests manually every time there’s a change in the system being tested.

When used effectively, automated testing can help organizations save time and money by reducing downtime caused by errors or failures. It also helps developers identify problems early on so they can fix them before they become more complex issues later down the road (which could mean costly fixes).

There are three types of software testing: GUI, API, and Unit tests.

What is GUI Testing?

GUI testing is the testing of Graphical User Interfaces. Most applications have GUIs and it’s important to test them. GUI testing, also known as Functional Testing, covers the functionality of the application and its user interface. It is part of black-box testing and covers the front end of an application.

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, which is a program built in a way that it can be interacted with by humans through visual representations of data and operations instead of plain-text commands. A GUI allows users to interact with an application by clicking on buttons, filling out forms, and more.

Why Do We Need GUI Testing?

GUI testing helps us find bugs and errors in our applications before they are released into production so we don’t have any unexpected failures there and make our customers unhappy. It also helps us understand how users will interact with our product so that we can improve it based on their feedback.

GUI testing is a type of test automation that aims to automate the actions of a user interacting with the graphical user interface (GUI) of an application.

The GUI has been around since the 1970s when it was first used as a means to create friendly interaction between humans and computers. In today’s world, GUIs are used in many software applications from smartphones to video games.

A GUI test requires the tester to take screenshots of the application’s interface at various points in time during testing to ensure that the application still looks right after each test run. This is important because applications can change their appearance in response to different inputs or events, so testers need to account for this possibility by taking screenshots at different points during testing.

GUI tests are often considered easier than other types of automated tests because they don’t require as much coding knowledge or technical skills—they’re just a matter of taking screenshots and checking them against what you expect them to look like!

What is API Testing?

API testing is a type of software testing that focuses on the application program interface (API). It is often used to test web services and mobile applications, as well as other types of applications.

API testing can be done manually or with automated tools. Manual API testing involves using a web browser to send requests to the API. This can be done by manually entering URLs and making requests via HTTP or HTTPS, or by using tools such as cURL or Postman. Automated API tests can be conducted using frameworks such as SoapUI, Rest-assured (for Java), and Postman (for NodeJS).

The main goal of API testing is to ensure that the API under test behaves according to its documented specification. In many cases, this means ensuring that certain methods are available, that parameters are correct, and that responses from calls to those methods contain expected values.

What is Unit testing?

A unit test, also known as a component test, is a type of software testing that is performed to verify the functionality of a particular module or unit of the software. This can be a single function, method, class, or even an entire application.

Unit tests are created by programmers using their programming language and tools to write code that tests the functionality of the unit under test. Unit tests are usually written by developers before they start coding a new feature so that they can confirm that it works as expected when they’re done. Unit testing is not only useful for detecting bugs in the code but also for verifying that a change in one part of the program does not break any other part of it.

Unit testing is one of the most important parts of software development. It helps you ensure that your code works as intended, and it helps you catch errors before they cause problems in production.

Unit testing is simply a way of testing individual units of work—usually functions, classes, or modules—to make sure they work as expected. When you unit test, you’re writing automated tests that check the functionality of each unit by calling it with various inputs and making sure that it returns the correct output for those inputs. Unit tests can be executed against all the different types of input values your code accepts (even user input!), to ensure that regardless of what type of data is entered into your codebase, it will always return the same results when called with similar inputs.

Test automation increases test coverage

Test automation is a way to increase test coverage, which means that it helps you find defects faster. This is important because defects have a cost: they can cause customer dissatisfaction, and they can waste time as you try to fix them.

Test automation can be used for both manual testing and automated testing. It can also be used for regression testing, where you check that your code hasn’t changed in any way since your last release.

Using test automation will help you find more defects than without it, but there are limits on how much automation you should use: too much automation can lead to a decrease in quality, so it’s important to strike the right balance between manual and automated testing.

Test Automation

When you think of test automation, what comes to mind? Do you picture a robot driving around in a car, or perhaps a human-looking bot that can run through a set of tests and check the results?

But what exactly is test automation? It’s not just the act of automating tests—it’s also the act of increasing your test coverage. Test coverage refers to how much of your software has actually been tested. If you have 100% test coverage, every line of code has been executed by your tests at least once. If you have less than 100% test coverage, some lines have been executed, but some haven’t.

There are two main ways to increase your test coverage:

1) write more tests

2) run existing tests more frequently (e.g., nightly builds)

Test automation improves test accuracy

Automated testing is a great way to make sure your software is working as expected. The downside, though, is that automated tests can be complex and time-consuming to develop.

But what if you could take the human element out of your automated testing? What if instead of writing endless test cases, you just gave your computer the information it needs to test your system and let it run? That’s where test automation comes in—but how do you know if it’s going to deliver on its promise?

You need to understand that there are two types of test automation: black-box testing and white-box testing. Black box testing means that you don’t have access to the code being tested or any documentation about how it works; all you have is a result file generated by the code being tested. White box testing means that you can see into the code being tested (and even change it if necessary).

The reason why white-box testing is better than black-box testing is that it allows for more accurate results: when you look at the code itself, you can better predict what might go wrong during execution. This allows for fewer false positives (tests that show failures when there aren’t actually failures), which helps cut down on wasted time.

Test automation is important for load testing

Load testing simulates the volume of users and workloads that an application experiences during normal operation. The goal of load testing is to ensure that an application can handle the volume of traffic it expects to receive during peak usage times without crashing or slowing down significantly. Test automation allows companies to perform these tests quickly and easily so they don’t have to spend days manually executing them every time they want to run new tests—and this saves them a lot of money!

Test automation is a powerful tool for improving the quality of your load testing. It can save time, increase reliability and reduce the number of errors in your results.

Test automation is a key part of load testing because it helps to eliminate human error. With test automation, you don’t have to rely on people to perform repetitive tasks over and over again—you can write a program that runs through these steps automatically and delivers more consistent results.

This means that when you’re running your tests, you can be sure they are being performed consistently and accurately every time. This helps you get an accurate picture of how well your applications work under different conditions, which will help you make better decisions about how to improve them or manage their performance in the future.

Test automation is a great way to speed up your feedback cycle

In software development, the feedback cycle is how quickly you can see whether or not your code works. It’s important to be able to find out as quickly as possible if something isn’t working right—so you can fix it before it becomes a problem for your users.

Test automation is a great way to speed up this process because it allows you to run tests on your product in an automated fashion over and over again, without having to wait for someone else to do it. This means that if there’s something wrong with your code, you’ll find out sooner than if you had been relying on manual testing alone.

Test automation is a great way to reduce the strain on your employees

As a business owner, you need to be sure that your employees are able to do their jobs well and without interruption. Because of this, it can be difficult to find time in an employee’s schedule for them to test their code before it goes live on your site or app.

Test automation is an excellent way to reduce the strain on your employees without sacrificing quality assurance. This means that instead of having one individual dedicated solely to testing (which could be costly), you can have multiple people working on other projects while still getting the same level of testing done.

If you have a lot of people working on one project, then it’s likely that many of them will make mistakes at some point or another. This can be extremely costly for businesses because these mistakes cost more time than they do money—and time is money!

Automated testing allows us to run our tests without any human interaction at all. With this method, we can have our computers run through thousands upon thousands of test cases without any input from us whatsoever!

LambdaTest automation testing platform

Software testing is an important process in development, which helps ensure the quality of an application. It is used manually to test the app for any errors and bugs. 

However, automated testing lets you save time and money as it is faster and more accurate than manual testing. LambdaTest’s automation testing platform helps companies save time, effort, and cost incurred during software development and testing phases by providing world-class test infrastructure on cloud.

With LambdaTest platform, you can perform end-to-end automated testing for web and mobile on a scalable, secure, and reliable automation cloud. 

You can use tools for automation testing like Selenium, Cypress, TestCafe, Puppeteer, Taiko, Playwright, Appium, Espresso, and XCUITest to run automation tests on a cloud-based infrastructure.  


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